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Case Study - Gaining 20% extra team hours via Lean


A small 6-person service team in the I.T. function in a large service business was overloaded with work, causing delivery backlogs.

1. We documented everyday activity

Via some simple DILO (Day In The Life Of) and MILO (Month In The Life Of) analysis.

2. We identified the value-adding, and non-value adding activity

To help focus on the activities to attempt to reduce in volume and / or length.

3. We addressed the non-value adding activity

Initially by simply removing duplicated or unnecessary meetings from diaries, and using the time freed to focus on key, value-added tasks.

4. We implemented and measured

To ensure changes were effective, sustained, and did not have unintended negative consequences.

5. Result

Extra Hours gained to work on critical tasks - 20%!


Delivery to Plan


Additional Hours Gained


ROI from aorist consultancy, training and coaching

Businesses typically benefit from a 50 - 100+ times rate of return, when measuring the cost of an aorist Lean 6 Sigma or Systems Thinking / Systems Dynamics Simulation training course and coaching against the benefits derived from applying it the very first time in their business.